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Nakotne Cup F5J, F3K 21-22.08.2021
Sveiki visiem, Ar prieku varu jūs informēt, ka pēc vairākkārtējas atlikšanas COVID-19 dēļ Nakotne Cup 2021 notiks 21.-22.augustā Ādažos. Mēs apvienojam divas klases F3K un F5J: F5J notiks sestdien, 21. augustā un F3K - attiecīgi svētdien, 22. augustā. Mēs būtu priecīgi redzēt jūs Ādažos Nakotne Cup 2021
Hello everyone, I am glad to inform you that after several times postponing because of COVID-19, Nakotne Cup 2021 will take place in August 21-22 in Adazi (Latvia). We are merging two classes F3K and F5J: F5J will happen on Saturday, August 21 and F3K – on Sunday, August 22 accordingly. Bulletin: Registration: You are very welcome! We would be happy to see you in Adazi on Nakotne Cup 2021
Posted by sergey on Tuesday 03 August 2021 - 11:30:55